Assalam O Alikum


Allhamdulillah, With Allah(s.w.t) pleasure, mercy and His help we are able achieve our short term goal of hiring a full time Imam.

Currently our Musllah is offering Five daily prayers, Jummah Prayer, Taraweeh Prayer, Eid Prayers and also running daily hadith program, Weekly Quran Halaqa, and Quran recitation and Hifz

As our Muslim community has grown many folds in last couple of years and we see the need to purchase property for a  proper Masjid for our community.

In current housing market in our area nothing is cheaper than a Million Dollars.

We have started our collection campaign for purchasing Masjid Allahumdullialh and so far we have collected $28000 for the cause.

We request People to pray regularly to Allah (s.w.t) for His help, pleasure and mercy so that we can soon achieve our long term goal as well.

Anyone interested can donate through our GoFundMe campaign or through several different donation methods on our website

