Assalam o Alaikum

Effective immediately we will NO longer register brothers for Jummah Jammats using email.

If you want to register for Jummah Please follow the instructions below:

Click here to see the video instructions or follow the steps below

  1. Download “THE MASJID APP” from google play store
  2. Search for Port Elgin IC
  3. Follow the masjid if you would like to get notifications
  4. Scroll down to Events to see registrations for Jummahs and click on Enroll Now on the jummah you would like to attend
  5. Enter your name and email and click Enroll Now

Please note you can only enroll 1 person per email, and we are only registering brothers 12 years and older till the province lockdown restrictions are lifted.

Please see previous announcements for Eid Jammats, also just a reminder the Eid day will be dependent on a moon sighting and will be posted in our announcements on our website and our app under announcements (if you follow the app you will get a notification for new announcement)